Interest-free loans and grants are for short term or one-time emergencies such as food, rent, and utilities. We also help with car repair and emergency travel requirements. Each case, regardless of the request, is treated individually, and the Society will review all requests for assistance and try to help if the assistance falls within the general thrust of the AFAS charter.
Other programs such as “Give Parents a Break” enable base officials to offer periodic child care at specified evening and weekend times. This is particularly helpful when a spouse is deployed or other personal emergencies occur. Other programs such as Bundles for Babies, Car Care Because We Care, and Child Care for PCS are currently available at many bases. The Society also offers the Spouse Employment Program and the Heart Link Spouse Orientation Program.
General Henry “Hap” Arnold Education Grant Program helps offset some higher education expenses by providing grants of $500 to $4000 to dependent children and spouses. Grants may be used toward payment of tuition, books and fees, or other direct education expenses. The program is based upon financial need. Students must apply annually. The Society’s Education Fund also supports other education programs such as our Merit Scholarship of $5000 to at least 10 qualifying incoming freshmen and our Supplemental Education Loan Program.
Eligibility Requirements
Air Force and Space Force families.