he nation's largest and most influential membership organization of uniformed service officers and their surviving spouses. An independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization that offers member discounts, career counseling, resume reviews, webinars. Find MOAA on Indeed.com and LinkedIn. Regularly hosts transition and career events. Provides info on networking and social media resources. Email and live chat available via website.
Offers interest-free loans, scholarships, and grants for students seeking undergraduate degrees. For details see this page: https://charities.moaa.org/scholarship-fund/aboutSF/.
Eligibility Requirements
Membership is open to active duty, National Guard, Reserve, retired, and former commissioned officers and warrant officers of the following uniformed services: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Memberships also are available for surviving spouses of deceased officers.