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Open Table


They say, "it takes a village" and the Open Table program can connect you to yours. Trained volunteers from your caring community will invest their time and work with you to develop a life plan – goals for now and your future. For a full year, Tables provide consistent support and connection to a Calvert County resident and/or their family. Tables meet regularly to work directly with you in reducing barriers and challenges to achieving your goals. 


What can you expect if you decide to work with a Table:


  • Your Table members are not paid to be at your Table. They are there because they want to help you. They are investing their time, knowledge, and personal experience to support you.
  • Your Table members are paired with you and only serving on your table.
  • Your Table members first seek to develop a connection with you and can help you meet the goals you establish in what is called your Life Plan – goals for now and your future.
  • You make your own plan and all the final decisions about your Table.
  • You can share as much or as little about yourself as you are comfortable.
  • You decide the best way to communicate with your Table – text, email, phone and/or video calls.
  • When you ask, Table members will brainstorm with you a range of different options and offer advice, but you make all final decisions about your goals and life.
  • Your Table members may ask you questions for clarification or to better understand your needs and why you are leaning toward a specific decision. It is helpful to take time to process a decision with others and empowering to have the final say.
  • If money is needed to help remove a barrier to goal completion, you and your Table members will brainstorm ideas and you may decide to do a fundraiser that you all participate with.
  • At the end of 12 months, you and your Table members will create an After Plan – how you will maintain the ongoing supportive relationships developed during the Table process and how you can continue to reach out to a Table member.


Eligibility Requirements

Individuals or families that are Calvert County residents. 

Locations and Contacts

Service Contact Name
Jessica Beinert, Open Table Coordinator for Calvert County
Service Phone
Last updated: 23/05/2024 14:45