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Local Care Team


What is the Local Care Team?

The Calvert County Local Care Team (LCT) is an interagency team that functions as a collaboration of helping hands dedicated to providing families of children and youth with intensive needs with the resources necessary to find success. Attending an LCT meeting is an opportunity to have child-serving agencies in one place to ask questions and develop a plan in a friendly environment. Families can self-refer or agencies can complete the referral with them. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday, starting at 9:30 a.m. We are able to conduct meetings via teleconference or virtually. 

The LCT will:

  • Help Children with intensive needs receive assistance with the identification of needs and potential resources
  • Open doors to make connections to available community resources
  • Listen to concerns or worries
  • Develop a plan and assist families with the plan

Information about the Local Care Team:

Meeting documents:


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for assistance through the LCT, you must:

  • Live in Calvert County
  • Be struggling with multiple areas of need 
  • Be willing to participate in the process and communicate your intent to follow through with recommendations with support from the LCT 

The LCT partners with an array of families, including those with: a history of incarceration, special education needs, special healthcare needs, behavioral heath needs, and developmental needs. 

Locations and Contacts

Service Contact Name
Ariane Odom, LCT Coordinator
Service Phone
Mapped Location
Last updated: 23/05/2024 14:45