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USDVA-Pre-Discharge Programs

A U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs program-Those with a service-connected condition can file a claim for disability benefits 180 to 90 days before you leave the military. This may help speed up the claim decision process so you can get your benefits sooner. Find out how to file a claim through the Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) program. And learn what to do if you have less than 90 days left on active duty.

Eligibility Requirements

You may be eligible for the BDD program if you meet all of these requirements.

  • You’re a service member on full-time active duty (including a member of the National Guard, Reserve, or Coast Guard)
  • You have a known separation date
  • Your separation date is in the next 180 to 90 days
  • You’re available to go to VA exams for 45 days from the date you submitted your claim

Note: When you file your claim, you’ll need to provide a copy of your service treatment records for your current period of service. You’ll also need to provide a Separation Health Assessment form.

Last updated: 17/06/2024 12:12